hamba Allah yang sentiasa berdoa semoga menjadi hambaNya yang terbaik.
Sentiasa usaha jadi umatnya yang ingin selalu mengikuti sunnahnya dan sentiasa rindukannya.
anak yang baik dari kacamata mak ayah dan sentiasa berusaha mendoakan mereka selalu agar hidup aku selesa di sana nanti.
adik perempuan dan kakak pada mereka yang menyayangi aku tanpa ucapan tapi aku tau la dorang sayang aku...
belajar menuntut ilmu dari semua..pengalaman yang tinggi harganya, kelas yang di bayar dari titik peluh dan juga dari biayaan negara untuk aku jadi rakyat yang berilmu.
teman, sahabat, kawan, kenalan yang selalu bertekak, sering bertanya untuk tahu jawapan, makan kongsi-kongsi, jalan-jalan cari ilmu supaya matang dari dulu serta mengharapkan doa kalian untuk simpanan di sana jua.
staf yang buat kije berdasarkan arahan tapi kalau tak ikut tu mesti ada alasan dan sebab punya la..
kenakalan sebab memang aku nakal dan bukan jahat ok...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Opportunity is just around the corner from your last failure

 “Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming.”

 How you do anything is how you do everything. We can tell a person by the way they do things. Look at ourself in the mirror and that is our life out there. Change ourself to change our life.
 Start today to stop complaining, blaming for the next 7 days and see how your life change

What we focus expands. When we complain we focus on what's wrong so we attract more of what's wrong. We we become crap magnets. Complainers have a crappy life. They say they complain because their life is crappy. Actually it is because they complained that their life becomes crappy as they attract what they complain about Three clues of losers. They blame, complain and justify their bad action.

 "True success doesn't come from getting things at any and all cost, but from conducting yourself and in such a way as to benefit others and the greater good. Most successful people will tell you that an outward, ethical approach to life will pay off in a lot of ways".

 There is no greater reward in life than to be the kind of person who feels they can lovingly give.

 "The best way to persuade people is with your ears—by listening to them."
— Dean Rusk: Was secretary of state under Kennedy and Johnson

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