hamba Allah yang sentiasa berdoa semoga menjadi hambaNya yang terbaik.
Sentiasa usaha jadi umatnya yang ingin selalu mengikuti sunnahnya dan sentiasa rindukannya.
anak yang baik dari kacamata mak ayah dan sentiasa berusaha mendoakan mereka selalu agar hidup aku selesa di sana nanti.
adik perempuan dan kakak pada mereka yang menyayangi aku tanpa ucapan tapi aku tau la dorang sayang aku...
belajar menuntut ilmu dari semua..pengalaman yang tinggi harganya, kelas yang di bayar dari titik peluh dan juga dari biayaan negara untuk aku jadi rakyat yang berilmu.
teman, sahabat, kawan, kenalan yang selalu bertekak, sering bertanya untuk tahu jawapan, makan kongsi-kongsi, jalan-jalan cari ilmu supaya matang dari dulu serta mengharapkan doa kalian untuk simpanan di sana jua.
staf yang buat kije berdasarkan arahan tapi kalau tak ikut tu mesti ada alasan dan sebab punya la..
kenakalan sebab memang aku nakal dan bukan jahat ok...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Factsheet: Stress: Know the Signs

We all go through stressful times.


In small doses, stress may be good for you when it gives you a burst of energy. But too much stress or stress that lasts for a long time can take its toll on your body.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, you’re not alone. In fact a survey of Americans found that one-third of people are living with extreme stress.1 Get connected to how you’re feeling and learn about the effects of stress on your whole body.

Stress can be toxic to your body!



Are you experiencing the signs of stress?

  • Feeling angry, irritable or easily frustrated
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Change in eating habits
  • Problems concentrating
  • Feeling nervous or anxious
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Problems with memory
  • Feeling burned out from work
  • Feeling that you can’t overcome difficulties in your life
  • Having trouble functioning in your job or personal life
If you’re having any of these symptoms, it’s important that you take care of yourself. There are healthy steps you can take to stay well when you’re stressed, like connecting to people close to you, getting enough sleep or being physically active. Visit www.LiveYourLifeWell.org for more information.

If you feel overwhelmed, unable to cope and feel as though your stress is affecting how you function every day, it could be something more, like depression or anxiety. Don’t let it go unchecked. Contact your health care provider.

If you or someone you know is in crisis now, seek help immediately.


Petikan dari Mental Health America (MHA)

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